20 Free Online Education Courses With Certificates 2021

Free Online Education Courses With Certificates
Free Online Education Courses With Certificates

Free online education courses are offered by different websites today. You can even find nearby schools or programs by using your smartphone, tablet, or PC to search online. The sweet thing about some of these free online education courses is that you get certificates after completing your study.

About Online Course

According to Tophat, An online course is one that takes place through the internet. Online courses are typically self-paced, giving students more freedom in completing assignments.

MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, such as those offered by edX or Coursera, are examples of online courses.

Furthermore, An online course does not require any face-to-face meetings in a physical location. You can access this course on a web browser or mobile device, anytime and anyplace.

Whether you’re a youngster or an adult, taking online education courses is a wise decision. As a student, this can be an effective way to improve your skills in a tough topic or master a new skill.

Individuals who may not be able to attend classes at a regular brick and mortar college owing to a variety of reasons prefer online education.

Futhermore, It also allows the teacher and the student to establish their own learning speed, as well as the added flexibility of creating a schedule that works for everyone.

Online learning teaches you important time management skills, making it simpler to strike a solid work-study balance.

What Are The Benefits Of Online Education Courses?

Online education courses are preferred by most individuals who are not able to meet up with traditional classes because of different reasons.

Therefore, here the benefits of taking this exicting online education courses.

#1. Flexibility

So, because they are not bound by a set schedule, students have the freedom to manage their employment and studies.

In a traditional classroom, class meeting times are established, and students have little control over them, forcing them to organize their lives around them.

Most people who choose online education courses have other responsibilities, and they prefer this style of learning because it provides them control over how they allocate their time to various initiatives.

#2. It Reduces Cost

For a variety of reasons, online education can be less expensive. Commuting, for example, is completely free.

The online student is unaffected by various transportation costs such as fuel, parking, automobile maintenance, and public transportation.

#3. An Increased Instructor – Student Time

This online education program provides a forum for online guided conversations and one-on-one interaction with professors and lecturers, which is a trademark of online classes.

Furthermore, because of the time their professors provide them, it raises the chances of a student achieving well. This improves their problem-solving and communication skills, as well as their ability to defend their ideas in front of superiors.

#4. Documentation

All of the data you’ll require will be safely kept in an online database. This includes live discussion documents, training materials, and emails, among other things.

This means that if anything has to be explained, the student will be able to quickly access these documents, so saving time.

#5. Networking Opportunities

Students can also network with peers from distant countries or even continents through online schooling.

This frequently leads to further opportunities for collaboration with other individuals in the project’s implementation.

At the same time, their exposure to other cultures makes them culturally aware and able to readily integrate into diverse situations.

#6. Have Access to Expertise

Students with an online college education may be able to take specialized degree courses that aren’t available at a nearby or conveniently accessible institution of higher learning.

Online education classes allow for the exchange of knowledge, allowing more individuals to gain access to education that is not widely available in some areas.

Does Online learning Cost More Or Less?

If you’re wondering whether online learning programs are more expensive or less expensive than traditional brick-and-mortar instruction, the answer is yes. The truth is that most incoming college students are in this situation.

Online learning is often less expensive than attending a college or university on campus. That stated, it may not always be applicable. Some colleges solely offer courses through an online learning model.

So, if this applies to your preferred institution, it will almost certainly have lower tuition than any other type of program. Why? Because they are not subject to the same expenses as a regular campus.

Online-only institutions, for example, are not responsible for the upkeep of massive campus grounds and buildings, and they have fewer administrative workers and teachers to pay.

You can save money by attending an online program since you won’t have to pay for transportation, student parking, or accommodation, and you won’t have to buy extra food or clothes.

Books may be offered online as well, depending on your online school of choice, obviating the need to purchase textbooks, which are generally pricey if purchased on-campus.

6 Free Online Education Course Sites

Online Degree

On this website, you can take as many first-year college courses as you want without paying any tuition, submitting an application, or even taking entrance exams.

Saylor Academy

Saylor is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. that offers more than 70 free self-paced online courses in 17 different areas.

You earn a free certificate of completion if you pass a course’s final exam with a grade of at least 70 percent.

Aquent Gymnasium

Aquent Gymnasium focuses on courses for digital, creative, and communications professionals.

It offers nine free online courses on topics like web design and content development. If you score at least 85 percent on the final exam, you get a free certificate of excellence.

Oxford Home Study College

UK-based Oxford Home Study College offers 15 free online courses that come with certificates of completion.

Courses are mainly focused on business management, though things like fashion design and public relations are also available.

Stanford Online

This site hosts online courses taught by Stanford faculty. Some are free and offer a Statement of Accomplishment to those who meet certain criteria, though those criteria vary from course to course.


Udemy.com is an online learning platform. It is aimed at professional adults.

Unlike academic massive open online course programs which are driven by traditional collegiate coursework, Udemy uses content from online content creators. It has free and paid courses.


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