Rhodes Scholarships 2021-2022 (Applications Open)

Rhodes Scholarships 2021-2022 (Applications Open)
Rhodes Scholarships 2021-2022

The Rhodes Scholarship 2021-2022 (Global) will start accepting online applications from June 1, 2020, to July 31, 2020. The Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest (first awarded in 1902) and perhaps most prestigious international scholarship program, enabling outstanding young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.

About Rhodes Scholarship 2021-2022

The Rhodes Scholarship is not just a financial bursary, it is a life-changing opportunity for exceptional young people with the potential to make a difference for good in the world. Rhodes Scholars are people who have a vision of how the world could be better and the energy to make a difference – whatever their sphere of interest. Rhodes alumni have distinguished themselves in every field – see Scholar Stories and the ways in which Scholars are standing up for the world.

The fellowship of Rhodes Scholars, worldwide and across generations, is active and over 7,000 strong. Rhodes Scholars, therefore, enter a life-long fellowship with ongoing opportunities to connect with current and Senior Scholars and, beyond that, a warm and engaging community within Scholars typically develop enduring friendships. The Rhodes Scholarship opens up opportunities for Scholars before, after, and during their time in Oxford.

Rhodes Scholarship Coverage

The Rhodes Scholarship is for two years in the first instance. The Rhodes Scholarship covers Oxford University (and College) fees as well as providing an annual stipend. For the 2019/20 academic year, the stipend will be £15,900 per annum (£1,325 per month) from which Scholars pay all living expenses, including accommodation. Please note – this is not sufficient to cover partners or dependants.

The detailed Conditions of Tenure document outlines permitted combinations of degrees, and how many years of study are covered by the Scholarship, as the latter depends on course choice – for example, up to three years of fees and stipend is available to Scholars who choose to undertake a DPhil (Ph.D.) at Oxford.

Following selection for the Scholarship, the Rhodes Trust will cover the fee required to apply to study at the University of Oxford. The Trust will cover the fee for a Tier 4 study visa and the associated International Health Surcharge (IHS), which enables international students to access the UK’s National Health Service. The Rhodes Trust will cover two economy class flights – to and from the UK – for the beginning and end of studies in Oxford.

On arrival in Oxford, Scholars receive a settling-in allowance (£225 in 2019-20). For those Scholars who transition to the second course of study in Oxford, they will again receive assistance to cover the fee for visa renewal and further application for IHS.

A number of research grants are also available to Rhodes Scholars, on the application, which enables Scholars too, for example, attend international conferences or conduct additional fieldwork.

List of documents required to apply for Rhodes Scholarship

You must submit a completed application form online with copies of the documents and information detailed below. All documents must be submitted in English, or with English translations included. Please note that, if you are invited to interview, you may be asked to bring the originals of all documents with you:

    1. Birth certificate, National Registration Card (NRC), passport, etc.
    2. Official transcript and degrees achieved (to date).
    3. English proficiency certificate
    4. Reference letters (at least 5: 3 academic referees and 2 general)
    5. Statement of Purpose (under 1000 words)
    6. Nomination request form
    7. A resume
    8. Colored photograph

Can you win a Rhodes Scholarship Award?

Rhodes Selection Committees are looking for young people of outstanding intellect, character, leadership, and commitment to service.

The four criteria which governed the selection of Rhodes Scholars in 1902 are still the guiding criteria for the selection of Rhodes Scholars:

    • literary and scholastic attainments (academic excellence)
    • energy to use one’s talents to the full (as demonstrated by mastery in areas such as sports, music, debate, dance, theatre, and artistic pursuits, particularly where teamwork is involved)
    • truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship
    • the moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one’s fellow beings.

Rhodes Scholarship Application Process

Follow these seven steps to complete your application for the Rhodes Scholarship award:

    • Check which Rhodes Scholarship to apply and go through its eligibility criteria
    • Chose course at oxford
    • Write a convincing personal statement
    • Make reference letters available
    • Prepare all required documents
    • Make social engagement
    • Prepare for the final interview

How to submit an online application for the Rhodes Scholarship?

General information on the preparation of an application for a Rhodes Scholarship can be found across the pages under the Scholarship tab. It is important that you read the information on the ‘Which Scholarship?‘ page to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the Global Rhodes Scholarships. Please also read the detailed Information for Candidates by clicking the link below at the end of this news article.

You can now request and receive a nomination through the application form itself – you will not be able to submit an application for a Global Rhodes Scholarship unless a nomination has been received.

Your eligibility for the Global Scholarship must also be confirmed by a member of the Rhodes House team. This will be done through the application form but you will only be able to submit once you have received approval.



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